Letter Tracking for Changeable Signs.
Letter Tracking for Changeable signs are the plastic runners, which hold the letters in place. These are self adhesive, allowing you to position the tracks easily onto your chosen surface. Generally speaking and in most cases 50cm sections will be supplied with your order. However, 1 metre sections may also be available to purcahse from the online store from time to time.
Calculating How Much Letter Tracking for Changeable Signs.
To asist with calculating how much letter tracking you need, we have produced a tracking calculator. This can be used for all track types. Remember our tracks make letter channels. A channel is made up of 2 pieces of tracking. One is for the top, the other for the bottom. Both are identicle. Simply, invert one to create the bottom. Regardless of your letter size you will be using the same tracking. However, our double tracking is NOT suitable for our two smaller letter tiles, LPM 33 and LPM 45.
Double Capacity tracking or Single Capacity tracking?
Generally speaking our single tracking is used for all indoor changeable sign projects. However, for outdoor projects you should be considering double tracking for part of your letter channel assembly.
The latter, with it’s twin capacity design, allows for an additional perspex screen to slide along the channel, protecting your mesaage from the weather. We reccommend 3mm thick clear screens.
Furthermore, we suggest you purchase these once your changeable sign board is up and running, so you can calculate the exact dimensions required. It can be very hard to calculate the exact width of screen required prior to assembly. Double tracking is also best track type for LPM 08 due to its large size and weight.
If you have chosen a bespoke project including full assembly by us, then off course you have nothing to worry about. In additional our bespoke sign projects include a further devise to prevent tampering.
White or Clear Letter Tracking for Changeable Signs.
Both clear and white tracks come with their own unique benefits depending on your own particular usage. Clear tracks should always be used for projects that include a light box. That is, a sign which has light shining through the letters and tracks from behind. Clear tracks however, will be susceptible for showing up glue that has been used to attach them.
Therefore, we suggest very limited amounts of glue are used for this reason. Clear tracks are around 60 per cent transparent and will appear translucent on a solid background.
White tracks on the other hand, should not be used for light box projects. They will cast a shadow over your new back lit display. However, for outdoor use and indoor use, where a white background is used, we reccommend white tracks. They are more resilent to weather damage and will stay fresher looking for longer. Clear tracks will attract water damage more noticably and quicker. This process is unavoidable and effects all outdoor signage!
Attaching Letter Tracking to a Surface.
With a massive variety of surfaces to choose from, attaching the tracking sucessfully for a long period of time requires some planning. Firstly, you may well be lucky and have a surface that means the tracking adheres sucessfully. In any case, all tracking needs to be burnished down once applied. This means, applying suitable pressure onto the fresh tracks. Use a tool which is smooth to prevent scratching.
We suggest the reverse of a small spoon. Run the spoon along the entire lenght of the track section. You will know when the correct pressure has been applied, when you begin to see the adhesive glue vanish into the surface behind. This is the sure sign of a good immediate bond.
However, as a golden rule, we are unable to give any cast iron guarantees this will always be the case. Therefore we suggest all customers consider additional gluing. We offer a work shop glue here.
How the Tracking is Packaged.
Your letter tracks will be well packaged up for their onward journey to you. More often than not they will be bundled and interlocked together. Use a sharp knife to remove any tape that is holding them together. Gentle bend the track lenghts in both directions which will release the two sections. You may need to repeat this several times.
Ensure you have the correct amount of sections for your new letter board display, remembering that you will always receive a spare piece for testing first on your chosen surface. If applying to a wall, attach the spare piece to an area out of sight to examine how well the self adhesive strips are working. Finally, always layout all the tracks in your chosen configuration, before attempting to attach to your surface.
Building You Letter Channels.
You will find a few cardboard templates enclosed with your order. These are designed to make building your letter channels a simple task. The template will be specifically for the letter size you have chosen. Now simply follow the instructions printed on the template for a step by step guide on how best to assemble. Within a short space of time you will be ready to use your new changeable sign!