Our First Competition started today. We’ve decided to help out sports clubs for this one. We’re giving away a huge changeable fixture board to one lucky club by the start of the new season. Like all our external readerboards this one is both weather and Tamperproof. It comes with more letter tiles than you’ll ever need. Apart from being very generous we also want to get the message across that if you can understand how versatile these boards are your sponsor will see it as a no brainer. Not only will their branding appear on a very ingenious product in real time, but crucially shared across social media sites updating followers of positive sporting achievements and fixtures. The online digital world following your club will share this willingly. Every share is advertising to your sponsors. We now know that this advertising space of .5m x .25m is worth at least £275.00 to your club and with two areas on our boards for sponsors you can achieve funding on £550.00. It’s no coincidence therefore that we have priced our standard fixture board at exactly the same price. Do you maths and you see this board is essentially free. Check out our site for our sponsorship tips and more details but here is a quick check list of why a sponsor should consider advertising.
- 6 year life span on the board
- Large display size: 2m x 1.2m
- Very large sponsorship areas of 50cm x 25cm.
- Weatherproof and Tamperproof
- Social media tool for the sponsor:
- Weekly tweets, Facebook news
- Association with innovative product.